Create a private repository in ECR

Before we can push a Docker image to ECR, we need to create a repository. This repository will be private, requiring authentication and authorization.

Create a Private Repository

In the main interface:

  • Search for ECR.
  • Select Elastic Container Registry.


  • Click Create to start creating the repository.


Here, we’ll fill in some information:

  • Repository name: imga/server
  • Image tag mutability: Select Immutable (this prevents Docker image tags from being overwritten, helping us manage image versions).

In the Encryption settings:

  • Select AES-256.


After creation, under Private Registry, you will see the repository we just created listed.


If you go into this repository, you won’t see any images yet.


Click View push commands, and you will see instructions on how to push a Docker image to ECR.


This includes commands for logging into Docker, obtaining the repository endpoint, building the image, tagging it, and finally pushing the image to the repository.