Configuring IAM User Access Key

Step 1: Log in to the AWS Management Console

Log in to the AWS Management Console using your Root User or an account with administrative privileges.

Step 2: Access the Identity and Access Management (IAM) Service

After successfully logging in, navigate to the Identity and Access Management (IAM) service from the main Console interface.


Step 3: Create a New User

  1. In the IAM interface, go to the Users tab and select Create user.
  2. In the Specify user details section, enter the username in the User name field.
  3. Select Provide user access to the AWS Management Console.
  4. Under Console Password, choose Custom Password and enter the desired password for the user.
  5. Uncheck User must create a new password at next sign-in if you do not require the user to change their password upon first login.
  6. Select Next to continue.


Step 4: Configure Access Permissions

  1. In the Set Permissions interface, select the AdministratorAccess policy to grant full access to the user.
  2. Select Next to continue.


Step 5: Confirm User Creation

Review the results and confirm that the user has been successfully created.


Step 6: Create an Access Key for the User

  1. Click on the newly created user.
  2. Navigate to the Security Credentials tab.
  3. Under Access Keys, select Create access key.


Step 7: Save the Access Key and Secret Key

  1. In the Access key best practices & alternatives interface, select the use case Command Line Interface (CLI).
  2. Select Next to continue.


  1. Save the Access Key and Secret Key displayed in the Retrieve Access Key interface for use in related applications or tools.
