Create add-ons
Create add-ons
- First, we create kubevious_addon.ts in the lib folder
touch lib/kubevious_addon.ts
- Add the following code to the kubevious_addon.ts file
// lib/kubevious_addon.ts
import { Construct } from 'constructs';
import * as blueprints from '@aws-quickstart/eks-blueprints';
import { setPath } from '@aws-quickstart/eks-blueprints/dist/utils/object-utils';
* User provided options for the Helm Chart
export interface KubeviousAddOnProps extends blueprints.HelmAddOnUserProps {
version?: string,
ingressEnabled?: boolean,
kubeviousServiceType?: string,
* Default props to be used when creating the Helm chart
const defaultProps: blueprints.HelmAddOnProps & KubeviousAddOnProps = {
name: "blueprints-kubevious-addon",
namespace: "kubevious",
chart: "kubevious",
version: "0.9.13",
release: "kubevious",
repository: "",
values: {},
ingressEnabled: false,
kubeviousServiceType: "ClusterIP",
* Main class to instantiate the Helm chart
export class KubeviousAddOn extends blueprints.HelmAddOn {
readonly options: KubeviousAddOnProps;
constructor(props?: KubeviousAddOnProps) {
super({...defaultProps, ...props});
this.options = this.props as KubeviousAddOnProps;
deploy(clusterInfo: blueprints.ClusterInfo): Promise<Construct> {
let values: blueprints.Values = populateValues(this.options);
const chart = this.addHelmChart(clusterInfo, values);
return Promise.resolve(chart);
* populateValues populates the appropriate values used to customize the Helm chart
* @param helmOptions User provided values to customize the chart
function populateValues(helmOptions: KubeviousAddOnProps): blueprints.Values {
const values = helmOptions.values ?? {};
setPath(values, "ingress.enabled", helmOptions.ingressEnabled);
setPath(values, "kubevious.service.type", helmOptions.kubeviousServiceType);
setPath(values, "mysql.generate_passwords", true);
return values;
- Then add the following code to lib/pipeline.ts
// lib/pipeline-stack.ts
import * as cdk from 'aws-cdk-lib';
import { Construct } from 'constructs';
import * as blueprints from '@aws-quickstart/eks-blueprints';
import { TeamPlatform, TeamApplication } from '../teams';
export default class PipelineConstruct extends Construct {
constructor(scope: Construct, id: string, props?: cdk.StackProps){
const blueprint = blueprints.EksBlueprint.builder()
new blueprints.ClusterAutoScalerAddOn,
new blueprints.KubeviousAddOn(), // New addon goes here
.teams(new TeamPlatform(account), new TeamApplication('burnham',account));
repoUrl: 'your-repo-name',
credentialsSecretName: 'github-token',
targetRevision: 'main'
id: "envs",
stages: [
{ id: "dev", stackBuilder: blueprint.clone('ap-southeast-1')}
.build(scope, id+'-stack', props);
- Do push to Github repository
git add .
git commit -m "adding Kubevious"
git push
- Wait 15 minutes to complete
- Once the pipeline is complete, we can see our add-ons in action by running the command below:
kubectl port-forward $(kubectl get pods -n kubevious -l "" -o jsonpath="{.items[0]}") 8080:80 -n kubevious