Team Access

Group Access

  1. Burnham Team, only having access to resources in their dedicated namespace along with a demonstration of how we can use Kubernative native construct to ensure that only people used in team-burnham namespace can access those resources. This is also known as soft multi-tenancy you are using Kubernetes constructs like namespaces, quotas, and network policies to prevent applications from being accessed. implementations in different namespaces communicate with each other.
kubectl describe role -n team-burnham

Deployment Pipeline

You can see that Team Burnham can only get and list a set of application-focused Kubernetes resources (pods, daemonsets, deployments, replicasets, statefulsets, and jobs). You’ll notice that they don’t have permission to create or delete resources in their respective namespaces.

  1. Retrieve the created role for Team burnham by running the following command:
aws cloudformation describe-stacks --stack-name dev-dev-blueprint | jq -r '.Stacks[0].Outputs[] | select(.OutputKey|match("burnhamteamrole"))| .OutputValue'

Deployment Pipeline

  1. Create credentials for application
aws iam create-login-profile --user-name application --password Ekscdkworkshop123!

Deployment Pipeline

  1. Go to AWS

    • Perform login with IAM user
    • Enter your Account ID
    • Select Next

Deployment Pipeline

  1. Next,

    • Enter IAM user name as application
    • Enter password just created
    • Select Sign in

Deployment Pipeline

  1. Complete the login

Deployment Pipeline

  1. In the AWS interface

    • Select Switch role

Deployment Pipeline

  1. In the Switch Role interface

    • Account, enter your Account ID
    • Then enter Role
    • Select Switch Role

Deployment Pipeline

  1. Complete Switch Role

Deployment Pipeline

  1. Access to EKS

Deployment Pipeline

  1. Here you will see an error message stating that the Team Burnham user is NOT allowed to list deployments in all namespaces.

Deployment Pipeline

Deployment Pipeline

  1. When you select team-burnham in namespace, you will see the forbidden message disappear. This means that you are currently showing Team Burnham workloads (no workloads since any workloads have not been deployed).