Creating an Administrator Group and Admin User

Creating an Admininistrator Group

  1. Log-in to the AWS Console from the AWS Web Services homepage
  2. Navigate to the Identity and Access Management (IAM) page by either:
    • Clicking on the account name in the top right corner and select My Security Credentials
    • Typing IAM into the services search-bar and selecting ‘IAM’


  1. From the left pane, select User Groups then select Create Group
  2. Under Name the group, enter the Group name (For example, AdminGroup) and scroll down the page.


  1. In the Attach permissions policies section, type AdministratorAccess in the search box and select the checkbox. Finally, select Create Group.


Creating an Admin User

  1. From the left pane of the IAM console, select Users then click on Add User.
  2. Enter a User name (For example, AdminUser).
    • To allow the user to be authenticated for web-console access, check AWS Management Console access.
    • To allow the user to be authenticated for AWS API, CLI, and SDK access, check Programmatic Access.
    • To set your own password instead of using an autogenerated one, click Custom password and type in your desired password. Uncheck User must create a new password at next sign-in to avoid being prompted to create a new password on the first login. (note: you must remember this password for future logins)
    • Click Next:Permissions.


  1. Click the Add user to group tab and select AdminGroup which we had created earlier.
  2. Click Next:Tags
    • Tags are an optional option to organize, track, or control user access, so you can either add your appropriate tags or skip this step.
  3. Click Next:Review.
  4. Review the user details then select Create User.

    After creating the user, you will offered to download a file containing the access credentials as needed. Please store this securely until the credentials have been communicated with your users. Once they are able to access their IAM users, you may securely delete this file.