Retrieve the Public IP address of the EC2 instance.
Use MobaXterm to connect to the instance via SSH on port 22:
The result after SSH.
We use Git to clone the source code. First, install Git using the following command:
sudo yum install git
Install MySQL command-line client
sudo dnf install mariadb105
Check if the installation was successful.
mysql --version
Connect to the MySQL command-line client (unencrypted)
mysql -h -P 3306 -u admin -p
Successfully connected to the DB instance. Proceed to check the databases within the instance using the command, which will display a list of all databases.
Select the database to make changes by using the USE command; use the initial database that you created when setting up the RDS.
USE "name of database";
Create a table in the awsuser database using the CREATE TABLE command.
CREATE TABLE `awsfcjuser`.`user` ( `id` INT NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT , `first_name` VARCHAR(45) NOT NULL , `last_name` VARCHAR(45) NOT NULL , `email` VARCHAR(45) NOT NULL , `phone` VARCHAR(45) NOT NULL , `comments` TEXT NOT NULL , `status` VARCHAR(10) NOT NULL DEFAULT 'active' , PRIMARY KEY (`id`)) ENGINE = InnoDB;
Insert information into the table using the INSERT INTO command
(`id`, `first_name`, `last_name`, `email`, `phone`, `comments`, `status`) VALUES
(NULL, 'Amanda', 'Nunes', '', '012345 678910', '', 'active'),
(NULL, 'Alexander', 'Volkanovski', '', '012345 678910', '', 'active'),
(NULL, 'Khabib', 'Nurmagomedov', '', '012345 678910', '', 'active'),
(NULL, 'Kamaru', 'Usman', '', '012345 678910', '', 'active'),
(NULL, 'Israel', 'Adesanya', '', '012345 678910', '', 'active'),
(NULL, 'Henry', 'Cejudo', '', '012345 678910', '', 'active'),
(NULL, 'Valentina', 'Shevchenko', '', '012345 678910', '', 'active'),
(NULL, 'Tyron', 'Woodley', '', '012345 678910', '', 'active'),
(NULL, 'Rose', 'Namajunas ', '', '012345 678910', '', 'active'),
(NULL, 'Tony', 'Ferguson ', '', '012345 678910', '', 'active'),
(NULL, 'Jorge', 'Masvidal ', '', '012345 678910', '', 'active'),
(NULL, 'Nate', 'Diaz ', '', '012345 678910', '', 'active'),
(NULL, 'Conor', 'McGregor ', '', '012345 678910', '', 'active'),
(NULL, 'Cris', 'Cyborg ', '', '012345 678910', '', 'active'),
(NULL, 'Tecia', 'Torres ', '', '012345 678910', '', 'active'),
(NULL, 'Ronda', 'Rousey ', '', '012345 678910', '', 'active'),
(NULL, 'Holly', 'Holm ', '', '012345 678910', '', 'active'),
(NULL, 'Joanna', 'Jedrzejczyk ', '', '012345 678910', '', 'active');
Use the SELECT command to display the table.
Use exit to leave. If you are unable to disconnect from the DB instance, use the key combination Ctrl+C.