Go to the AWS Management Console
In the VPC Console
In the Create VPC interface
Select as follows:
Select as follows:
Allocate a public IP.
Select Enable auto-assign public IPv4 address. Then select Save
Check if the allocation was successful.
Allocate for the remaining public subnet (do the same).
Next, we will create a Security group. - In the VPC console, select Security groups - Click Create security group
Configure the Security Group - Security group name, enter FCJ-Management-SG
- Description, enter Security Group for FCJ Management
- VPC,select the VPC you just created: AutoScaling-Lab.
Configure the Inbound rules - First, configure SSH on port 22 with Source: MyIP to allow access to the instance. - Next, allow HTTP on port 80. - Add Custom TCP on port 5000 for FCJ Management - Finally, allow HTTPS on port 443.
Check the Outbound rules and click Create security group
We create a security group for the database instance. To ensure security, we do not configure the application’s security group.
Configure the security group
Security Group for DB instance
Configure the Inbound rules
Check the Outbound Rules and finally click on Create Security Group.